Saturday, November 27, 2010

Time for a catch up

Ok, I admit it - I am very slack at this blogging thing. I had big plans to update it at least every month and bring you all the latest and greatest of the Maybee family adventures here in Australia. But as you are well aware....this has not happened. Lets try to bring you up to speed as to what we have been up to lately.

We have been to Sydney on vacation with my parents. Lots of run, but TONS of rain. Seriously it rained the entire time we were there except one bright and sunny day, which happened to be on
my birthday.

My parents are presently here and we have had a blast showing them around our new city, swimming in the ocean, having lunch with some Kangaroos (prior to this my Dad didn't beleive there were Kanga's in Australia because after a month here, he still had not seen any so I rectified the situation by taking him to John Forrest Tavern which always has wild Kangaroos lounging around. )

Brayden is playing tee-ball, hockey and taking surf life lessons at the beach. He is turning into quite the athlete and even won the magic moment trophy at tee-ball this week for his impressive fielding skills at first base that got 2 outs!! He has inherited the Maybee love for hockey and literally counts down the sleeps until he gets to play again. His skating has improved so much that it is hard to beleive that 4 short weeks ago this was the same kid who refused to go on the ice because everyone else could skate better.

Dylan is taking swimming lessons and loving it. He and I are enjoying our weekly routines of playgroups, swimming lessons, trips to the park, music class and grocery shopping. We checked out a couple of pre-schools this week which he may be going to one or two days next year while I work.

For those of you who have not heard, I am now also a Lecturer with Curtin University. Starting in the new year I will be teaching the online HR course in the MBA program. Online is perfect for me as it is a nice way to start teaching, and it will allow me to still be home with Dylan the majority of the time. Its an interesting career move for me so we'll see what becomes of it.

Bryan is getting ready for his PhD defence back in Canada this week. He has been working very hard the past couple of months both with his courses and his thesis so he is looking forward to a nice break over the Christmas holidays. We are likely going to do some traveling around the west coast.

I think that is the update in a nutshell...hopefully 3 more months won't pass before I write again.


  1. yay for an update! Yes, next one sooner than 3 months please! :)

    Glad all is well. What an awesome adventure!

  2. I second the yay for an update! I keep an eye on your blog from time to time but had started to give up hope. A big congrats to you on the job (sounds awesome!) and to Bry for his awesome defence (I spoke to some of your bragging relatives on Friday). Big hugs from "balmy" Saskatoon... so happy to hear Brayden is getting to play hockey over there.
