Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Countdown is on

Well we are T minus 8 weeks to departure and things are starting to happen. Thankfully our Visa's were approved very quickly so we were able to relax and enjoy our family cruise and trip to Disney (pictures to be uploaded later, they are on the other computer.) Now we are back and the holiday is officially over. If anyone has ever put your house on the market before you know how challenging it can be to try and keep it clean for showings at any time. Now combine that with 2 small children, unpacking and laundry from vacation, and trying to figure out what to pack for the next 4 months to live with since we are hoping to ship our furniture next week. Can you say STRESS! I am trying to take it all in stride and just take each day by day but you all know I am a bit of a worrier. We have lists upon lists of things we need to sell, things we need to cancel, people we need to notify. And I am sure the next few weeks are just going to fly by. I welcome advice from anyone who has gone through this (namely Kath, Katrina and Jen - come on...spill your secrets)