Sunday, May 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Brayden!!

I can't beleive my little man is 5 years old. I vividly remember 5 years ago being up at the cottage for the May long weekend, when Brayden decided he was going to make his appearance. Some days it feels like just yesterday and other days I find it hard to remember a time when he wasn't in our lives. We had a VERY busy birthday weekend down here. Or should I say Brayden and his busy social calendar had a busy weekend. He was invited to 2 birthday parties this weekend for kids in his class, one on Saturday and one today. We had the Canadian Club social this afternoon, and then we were invited over for dinner at another friend's house. That dinner was complete with cupcakes, and singing and birthday presents. Spending the evening with new friends celebrating with Brayden was a perfect end to a wonderful and busy birthday weekend.

The Canadian Club social was a lot of fun as well. About 50 Canadians - adults and kids talking about home, life in Australia, hockey, Tim Hortons! Some people pulled out guitars and fiddles and we had some good east coast music to listen too. It was a really good time. I have to say, I was a little worried about being lonely when we first started talking about moving down here. But we have just been blessed to meet so many wonderful people so quickly - many of whom have already invited us into their homes for meals. It really helps make this new city/country feel more like home. Don't worry though - I am still a Canadian girl at heart and always will be!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Our arrival in Perth

We are finally in Australia!! After a long flight over here - well actually 3 long flights we arrived in Perth. The kids were amazing on the plane ride over. Seriously I couldn't have asked for more. We crammed our 17 bags of luggage into our rental car (seriously crammed - I was sitting with my legs around my chest because there was a large suitcase at my feet) and made our way to the hotel where we took the kids swimming, ate dinner and passed our by 6:30pm. Needless to say the kids were then up at the crack of dawn the next morning. We found our way to our new home for the next 4 months. A furnished apartment right across the street from a beautiful beach. There are 3 playgrounds within walking distance from our house, and we get to watch ocean sunsets every night at dinner. Not too shabby for the next four months until our things get here.

Brayden wanted to start school right away and has already been to the fire station and the zoo with his class. He wears a uniform which he really likes, and spends more then half his day outdoors as the "gym" and "auditorium" times are all outside. The other moms at his school are all very friendly. I think he is going to be the first one to pick up an Australian accent as he is already repeating words and number games from school with a hint of an accent. It is quite cute and I will have to get it in on video. His social calendar is filling up as he has already been invited to a birthday party, and a playdate at someone's house.

I have successfully mastered driving on the left hand side of the road and Dylan and I have been having fun exploring all that Perth has to offer. This city is very family focused and there are playgroups, kids clubs at the mall, story time at libraries as well as a playground/park on every corner, not to mention the beach. I have met several other moms in the course of my travels and have gotten a few phone numbers - yes I have picked up mom friends ha ha.

Bryan is enjoying his job so far and seems to be settling in. He doesn't have to actually teach until June so he is working on developing a course right now in preparation. So so far we are really enjoying our new city and settling in well. We do miss everyone back home of course and hope to have some more skype chats soon now that we actually have internet at home.
Miss you all!!